Monday, June 9, 2008

Commodities: The next Bubble

Capital Markets are like Bulimia nervosa!
eating beyond control and later purging beyond necessity....
After the techbubble and the housing bubble now we are silently witnessing the next gas giant:commodities!
It is basic human nature to exaggerate.We would laugh at ourselves now looking at the valuations of tech companies in 2000 ;without any earnings and PE ratios in thousands but the tech bubble happened.wizards of wall street were all suckered in .Teenage billionaires were made overnight.Geeks were in! But one fine day it dawned upon us after most of the people lost.
Where did all that money go????

Alan Greenspan distributed Prozac[read low interest rates aka cheap money] to alleviate the 'tech Ache'.But depression is a bipolar disorder :soon it turned into the other extreme-Mania!
Everybody started getting free money!Banks should have asked themselves 'why are we giving away money?'No they won't .
After the recovery from tech-tonics in 2002 a normal person would have stopped the antidepressants: chalo, phased off, weaned off whatever......But no!
Alan greenspan wanted to be a philanthropist....He continued the therapy thinking that continuous ingestion of prozac is essential for normalcy. All the side effects were duly ignored as it happens with pharma drugs which are miraculously devoid of side effects until the patent expires.
what's the catch here? Greenspan is no philanthropist of money.......He is the philanthropist of Debt. He spread the "Las Vegas Virus' throughout the world.When money is cheap you take more chances......Go to a casino and you will experience it yourself!The sudden rush of anUnassailable,invincible force which destroys reason. So the mass hysteria started.
Now how can one expand the total amount of cash flow in circulation and utilise cheap money?
you need to borrow money,right? New money! so when you can bring money into circulation out of nothing you will be the fastest printing press in the world.what was the incentive?-margins, cuts, commissions......If you play hundreds your commissions are in tens so just keep adding the zeroes and you get to here, now.Banks ,Hedge funds took commisions in billions after trading trillions and tranferred all the risks to individual homeowners and the clown financials on wallstreet who bought complex gibberish banana peels from the banks with AAAAAAAAA ratings . Poor rating agencies still don't know what they rated.Their memory was seriously affected by the las vegas virus.
So what's the solution.....Aha lets bring Ben Bernanke -There is a proverb in kannada which goes on these lines "patient wanted milk and the doctor prescribed milk".So uncle Ben comes and consoles all the crying babies on wallstreet and buys all the banana peels to save the world and the drug addicts of prozac.And Dr Ben postulated that last patient[read 1929 Great depression] suffered during deaddiction because he did not have any drugs in his body.So a drug addict should recieve constant,larger doses of prozac,as a treatment for addiction!!!!!!Wall street dopers swooned!!Brilliant!revolutionary!Give him the Nobel prize!
Now Dr Ben is wondering why his 'super theory' is not working. Wall street sheep say 'so, you know more than him,eh?'.ProfessorBush says lets give them some sedatives for now[read stimulus package]
So we turn up and see a nation of sleepers and dopers who print the world currency.And all Nobel prize winners in economics wonder what is the cause for rise of commodities?
Can you hear them? OOOh tech space will soon be monopolised!!!!!! Not enough houses to meet demand!!!!!!Now , All commodities on earth will disappear tomorrow!!!!!
Lets play a game. We will all sit around in a circle.There is a ball which is given to the next person as long as the music is played.When the music stops whoever is holding the ball is out. Now take the ball out and put a bomb in it.

The first game was dot com.......BOOM
The next game was Housing.....BOOM
and Now,Gold ,oil,food............aha, the music is still playing!
keep passing around guys......
But ....who's playing the music?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


“A few short years ago, it was rare to meet someone who knew what I meant when I said I was a stem cell biologist. Now, virtually everybody's heard about stem cells and has an opinion about them.”
—Dr. Jack Kessler

Embryonic stem cellPhoto: Nissim Benvenisty/What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are basic, or undifferentiated, cells that have no specific function in the body. Their name is derived from the fact that every cell in the body stems from this type of cell. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell or a brain cell.
There are three characteristics of all stem cells. They can divide indefinitely and are the only type of cells, besides cancer cells, that have the capacity to divide forever. Stem cells are also capable of self-renewal, and can make identical copies of themselves indefinitely. In addition, stem cells have the potential to become any other kind of cell in the body.
Types of Stem Cells
Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, an early-stage embryo that is approximately four to five days old in humans and consists of 50 to 100 cells. Embryonic stem cells can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types in the adult body when given sufficient and necessary stimulation for a specific cell type.
Adult stem cells are any cell in a developed organism that has two properties: the ability to divide and create another cell like itself and also divide and create a cell more differentiated than itself. Also known as somatic stem cells, they can be found in children and adults. Cord blood stem cells are found in the umbilical cord at birth and can produce all of the blood cells in the body. Cord blood is currently used to treat patients who have undergone chemotherapy to destroy their bone marrow due to cancer or other blood-related disorders.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

unfloding the truth

hello friends

from today on I shall be bringigng to you the best science , entertainment news that went unnoticed but can and will change your lives in future........

Happy sankranthi to all of you